Sunday, May 18, 2014

reflection for a life-changing moment: First Communion

today, i witnessed First Communion in Sang Penebus Catholic church. .  and the first thing that i thought was they are so lucky, because most of their parents come and accompany them in their life-changing moment... i have read communion means becoming one with Chirst.. what an unforgettable moment, isn't it?
my mind flied to 13 years ago, when i was 3rd grader in St. Joseph Cathollic Church, Cirebon and with a proud heart I told my parents I had finished my preparation course and i invited them to witness my First Communion. 
i was only a little girl, and guess what was my feeling? disappointed and hurted.. but my mother could come and accompanied me, i remember that because i had seen the photo. 
i asked myself, why did they not want to come as other friends' parents came? i remember even my white gown that my friends talked about was my older sister's. 
i asked GOD why was my parents not as care as the other parents?
ihad neen tried to get all my teachers' signs in my prep course book, i was dilligently came to church to see how people receiving Holy Communion since my dad did not come to church and my mom rarely accompanied me, i always came with my grandma who also did not want to enter the church anyway. 
i questioned myself, God, my sister and my brother... yet none of my family could answer my question.
today, i heard after they received Holy Communion they together praying for themselves, their parents and teachers. 
i think about my experience as little girl, what prayer that i did at that day? could I pray for my parents even though they was disappointing me?
i cried in my prayer, thank GOD i am who i am that You've chosen from the beginning, You've  called my mother to baptized me in Catholic faith, thank YOU because You've planned a beautiful plan for me in my family... because i've gotten the very best part, to pray for my parents not only for healthy and wealthy, but to Know YOU and love YOU, as  YOU have loved and always love me
maybe for many people would say, it's impossible for parents who didnot know God to  raise their children in God,but i want to tell you this my mess turns to messges nd my trial turns to testimony.
after years i have struggled about my parents, last year my dad said "just pray, pray to GOD" 
My tears fell, thank GOD, even though it will take more than years, it will take a longer time to change their heart, i will pray that one day we will have Holy Communion together, and my family can testify Your blessings bless us aabundantly.

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