Monday, January 26, 2015

Defeating Plasmodium falciparum

After one-half year I've been in Papua, finally i got special welcoming from Plasmodium falciparum. Yeah, i got malaria. Something that I thought I would not have at least for three years of my contract here.
As my seniors said, malaria can be prevented by regular rest and meal, also happy feeling. I got those. I am one hundred percent fit! Even now, i feel well. I am still confused why should i got malaria last week.
It started on Sunday, Jan 18, i joined outing with Catholic youth to Laskar Kristus in Kertosari. I felt dizzy because it was noon bright and so hot, then i got wet because they splashed water to me.
That night i just got fever and headache. I thought it was only usual fever which would be better at night.
On Monday i forced myself to go to school and teaching, but i dropped and felt so dizzy, then got fever again. My housemates felt anxious i got malaria, they suggested me to get plenty rest and eat a lot.
I felt better so i decided to go to school again on Tuesday. Actually, i didn't feel well but i forced myself to walk to school and teach. I stand just for one class. I asked permission to leave early and had blood test.
Amazingly, I got brave suddenly to have blood test in Talenta Lima laboratory in Sentani. The result was shocking me to the moon and back hahaha.. Positive malaria tropica +4 Leukocyte 4700
The lab man said, i have to get proper treatment if late, it will be worse and affect my brain. *sigh*
I couldn't think well and just cried asking to send me back home. I don't want to be there anymore, i don't like here because i got horrible sickness here.
My boyfriend tried to comfort me, but i just felt bad mood and drop. At 3pm i got fever again. On evening, my boyfriend accompanied me to consult to doctor and get medicines. The doctor said i probably got two kind of malaria :tropica and tertiana.
From articles that I've read:
Malaria tropica is caused by plasmodium falciparum which attack brain by blood artery
Malaria tertiana is caused by plasmodium vivax which attack heart

at night i got bad headache also fever, muscle pain and felt so cold even i got sweating. I just pray and hold it as i can because i didn't want to call my housemates.
On Wednesday the cycle was better, i didn't feel too bad headache and fever, i still could hold it because i took the medicine regularly. I still couldn't eat much since i lost my appetite *FYI : lost of appetite is one of malaria symptoms.

Thursday and Friday were the same, i got bored to be at home and doing nothing. Beside that i couldn't enjoy my sleep because sometimes the headache attacked. I also felt starving for some food and beverage but i couldn't taste it well.
I had blood test again on friday evening, the result was negative malaria and 10700 for Leukocyte. I just so happy to win the war defeating malaria without hospitalized. Hahaha.. But doctor said it could be false because of the medicine effects, i have to get tested when i am not consuming malaria medicine and feel better.

Saturday and Sunday, i got better and eat much than last week. I still took antibiotics and vitamins regularly also hold myself from overwork. Because my seniors said malaria could attack back and it will be worse if it is back then.

I reflected some things from this war against malaria.
1. Without Christ, I am nothing
2. Surrender my life to Him, He is the Healer
3. Thankful for people around me, they are God's angels in my life
4. When i am about to give up being teacher here, think of Jesus, His life on earth compared to mine. I am nothing. I haven't done much as a teacher here.
Compared to His suffering on the cross, malaria is nothing.
Compared to His pain being apart from His mom, my homesickness is nothing.
Compared to all my wishlist, prayers, wants, that God hears every second, books and paperwork of my students which await on my desk those are nothing.
Compared to disappointments I've caused, my disappointment to some people is nothing.

Finally, I would like to say Jesus wins me in the war against malaria!

Just like in Matthew 8:8 and in every eucharist i love to say it repeatedly
"Tuhan, aku tidak pantas Tuhan datang padaku, tapi bersabdalah saja maka aku akan sembuh "

Thanks Jesus!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

I thank God for 2014 and grateful for 2015

Believe or not, i got so many First-time experiences last year, answered prayers and challenges.
For many times, I blamed, mad, ran, and cried just like unfaithful one. I kept myself from difficulties and trials just like I was the one who could rule over my life.
I ask, but I wasn't faithful to wait His timing.
I pray, but I didn't trust in His plan.
I get,  but I wasn't thankful.

For every second, every moment, every breath, every dream, every chance and challenge, every person I met, every sorrow, every happiness all from Him then I should be thankful and grateful. For those in the past years, especially 2014, and for everything in the future that God has been planed. I welcome you, 2015.
Eben Haezer. Immanuel.