Flag is identical with symbol of nationality or decoration in an event. However, for me, flag is not only a symbol or decoration; it is an instrument when I am worshipping Him in a dance. Flag dancing is not the only way to worship God. I have enjoyed flag dancing since I was in grade 5 until now in different spirits, as an aesthetic and as a ministry.
First time I danced flag as a color guard in a marching band (MB) corps, I felt this dance was difficult and the flag could not be cooperative with my small hands. However, as a color guard I had to pay attention to aesthetic and marching line in one time. I had to smile, dance, and take a part in marching line every second I was in court; there was no excuse for mistake, because one mistake could make the marching line and color inharmonic. I always miss moments to dance the flag in MB, because these flag dancing was not only taught me many things about discipline, skill in flag dancing, marching, performance, coordination, harmony, and independence, but also brought up me to several national MB competitions and shows.
God showed different performance of flag dancing in my first TC assembly, by a pair of flag for each person and dance with praise and worship songs. Honestly, it was awkward for me, because in my church I had never seen flag dancing during services. Without any preparation, I signed up for flag dancing in TC Dance Ministry (TCDM) audition. For the first time since I stopped be a color guard in MB, I had a flag dancing in TCDM audition with the simplest movements of body. Then, I accepted to be a member of TCDM; I have gotten several chances to serve in some KKR, services and assembly.
In my second year of lifting flag in praise and worship, I enjoy the different spirit, flag is not only a property of dancing, it is one of praise and worship way in Bible (Ps 20:5, 60:4; Is 13:2, 59:19, 62:10).
The words "Banner", "Flag" and "Standard" are found all through out in the Bible;
Psalm 20:5 - May we shout for joy when we hear of your victory, flying banners to honor our God. May the LORD answer all your prayers.
Psalm 60:4 - But you have raised a banner for those who honor You; a rallying point in the face of attack.
Isaiah 13:2 - See the flags waving as the enemy attacks. Cheer them on, O Israel! Wave to them as they march against Babylon to destroy the palaces of the high and might.
Isaiah 59:19 - "Then at last they will respect and glorify the name of the Lord throughout the world. For He will come like a flood tide driven by the breath (flag) of the Lord."
Isaiah 62:10 - Go out! Prepare the highway for my people to return! Smooth out the road; pull out the boulders; raise a flag for all the nations to see.
The weariness in rehearsal and my schedule can be the factor to quit from this ministry, but I consider that now I am not a flag dancer or color guard anymore; I am a worshipper who dances with flag. This is my commitment in enjoying flag dancing, therefore my flag dancing will as not only skill and performance, but also a worship attitude.
WNS 2011
audition 2011
reposted from facebook notes
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