As I have been praying for couple months about relationship, I have found some signs referred to His answers. I am so glad that so many chances I could know him more, I could interact with him, share, and laugh. But I don't think those are enough to conclude a 'yes' from God.
I pray for a man who loves God,
yeah, I know he is active in youth, church ministry and close to pastor... but he hasn't asked me to pray for us yet, he didn't ask me to go to church together... hmm.. can I say it is a 'not him'?
I pray for a man who loves family,
I love the way he treats her mother and grandma, he gently saying words to his mom and takes care of his grandma everyday. That's a big point for him. But he didn't ask about my family yet, even to get know my family here, he hasn't yet visit my house or my 'parents' house either... hmm... can I say that's not enough?
I pray for a man who loves me,
Almost everyday he texts me, asks my daily routines and meals... however, no action talk only is a big no, right? How can I say he loves me without praying for me, seeing me, taking care of me or warning me when I do wrong?
I pray for smart man,
Handsome and six packs are not eternal, hahaha.. we all know it well, that's why I need a smart man who will know how to cherish me, support me, teach me and share so many things with me!
Him? yeah he is quietly smart, but he doesn't think he is smart enough to me. hmm...
I pray for a leader,
as you all know, I am a dominant girl, I love to talk than to listen, I love to do all in my way rather than others, I love to get admitted, that's why I need a man who able to LEAD me. A man who able to be adored and complimented so I won't be more dominant and could listen to him.
conclusion? I couldn't conclude anything yet, I will keep praying so do you all my pals wherever you are, would you mind to pray for me too? I would like to pray for you too :)
have a great prayer time!
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Chapel grade 7 Selasa, 12 Agustus 2014
Matius 5:13-16
13 ¶ "Kamu adalah garam dunia. Jika garam itu menjadi tawar, dengan apakah ia diasinkan? Tidak ada lagi gunanya selain dibuang dan diinjak orang.
14 Kamu adalah terang dunia. Kota yang terletak di atas gunung tidak mungkin tersembunyi.
15 Lagipula orang tidak menyalakan pelita lalu meletakkannya di bawah gantang, melainkan di atas kaki dian sehingga menerangi semua orang di dalam rumah itu.
16 Demikianlah hendaknya terangmu bercahaya di depan orang, supaya mereka melihat perbuatanmu yang baik dan memuliakan Bapamu yang di sorga."
Pelita tak berguna jika disimpan di dalam lemari, dan garam tak berguna
jika masih berada di wadahnya.
Apakah fungsi garam?
Penyedap, bukan hanya menciptakan kesenangan
bagi orang tapi kesenangan bagi Tuhan. Contoh perbuatan yang menyenangkan hati
Tuhan? Tidak boleh kehilangan rasa asinnya (Lukas 14:34-35)
Penyembuh luka
Ayat 13: kamu adalah garam dunia, adalah merujuk
pada eksistensi bukan hanya perubahan. Garam mempengaruhi, bukan dipengaruhi.
Contoh:merokok, mencontek, minta uang,
bolos, mengobrol saat ibadah, memaki, kata kotor.
Ayat 16 Yesus adalah terang dunia (Yohanes 1:9),
manusia hanya memantulkan terang Tuhan.
Terang menyolok dalam gelap
Terang tidak boleh disembunyikan
Terang memberi petunjuk
Terang makin dibutuhkan di tempat yang semakin
Terang mempengaruhi yang gelap bukan sebaliknya
(Yoh 1:5)
rumah-rumah di Palestina, tempat Yesus pada saat
itu mengajar, semua rumah sangat gelap, karena biasanya hanya mempunyai satu
jendela kecil dengan garis tengah kira-kira 30-40 cm saja. Pelita yang dipakai
di rumah-rumah itu berbentuk seperti perahu kecil yang diisi minyak, dengan
sumbu yang terapung. Biasanya pelita itu ditempatkan pada sebuah tiang kecil
(dian), yang terbuat dari potongan dahan kayu. Dengan demikian maka pelita itu
akan terlihat. Jelaslah bahwa fungsi utama dari pelita itu ialah untuk dapat
dilihat dan dapat menyinari kegelapan sehingga menjadi terang. gambaran tentang
pelita inilah yang di ambil oleh Yesus dalam hal Dia mengajarkan tentang peran
dari setiap pengikutnya.
Dalam Filipi 2:13-16, kita dapat melihat dalam
ayat ini bahwa kita harus lebih lagi menjadi terang dunia. Yesus berkata:
terangmu harus memancar seperti bintang-bintang di dunia dan kita juga harus
memancarkan Firman hidup. Ayat ini merupakan sebuah kunci. Yesus mengatakan
dalam hal yang baik agar orang lain bisa memuliakan Bapamu di surga.
Seorang teolog besar (John Stott) berkata; “ jangan bertanya kenapa dunia ini semakin
gelap, tetapi bertanyalah dimanakah terangnya, jangan bertanya kenapa dunia ini
semakin busuk tetapi bertanyalah dimanakah garamnya”
dunia menikmati keberadaan kita dan mengenal Kristus, Markus 9:50 (pembawa
dunia merasakan kasih Kristus dan memuliakan-Nya (ay 14&16)
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Bolang episode Kuala Lumpur 16-19 Juni 2014 (3) Batu Caves
Hari pertama saya di Kuala Lumpur sederetan rencana sudah dipersiapkan oleh Kak Dwi dan saya pribadi, jujur saja memang saya tipe perencana bukan pelaksana (sisi koleris saya..hehe). Saya terus-terusan bertanya kapan dan kemana kita berjalan, saya akan memasang muka sebal kalau yang saya ingin lihat belum tercapai apalagi kalau harus nyasar dulu. Memang sih nyasar adalah bagian dari travelling, tapi kalo udah sama tour guide masih nyasar? ehm... -_-''to travel is to walk in the way we might never imagined!
Jujur saja, saya kurang puas dengan fasilitas di Eclipse Guesthouse, saya sampai-sampai mengurungkan niat saya untuk mengambil gambar hostelnya, kamarnya bau apek, lembab, gelap dan pengap. Kamar mandinya kecil dan tidak begitu bersih. Lorongnya juga cenderung gelap dan sempit. Kekecewaan berikutnya terjadi saat breakfast, tidak ada air mineral disediakan atau bahkan dispenser. Pantry nya kotor dan berantakan. Sarapannya hanya roti dan selai raspberry. Kopi dan tehnya kurang menarik. Ah pokoknya ga memuaskan, berhubung saya omnivora, makan rotinya 4 lembar saya rasa cukup untuk bekal seharian.
Di depan hostel ada laundry, tapi saya tidak berencana melaundry, cukup dengan beli baju baru ehehhee..
Kami menyusuri jalanan seinget saya nyebrang, lurus terus, belok kanan ketemulah kuil Hindu ini. Kesan saya? terawat dan indah, tapi sayang kami hanya passed by dan ga sempat banyak ambil gambar.
Sri Mariaman Temple, Chinatown KL |
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rute monorail KL |
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beli single ticket di counternya |
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di dalam monorail ada lampu indikator stasiun yang akan dilewatin, very helpful! |
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elders and kiddos were so enthusiastic to climb the stairs! |
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view from the top! woohooo selangor! |
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KTM ticket from KL to Batu Caves RM 2.4 |
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patung hanoman ya?bukannya warna putih harusnya? hehe |
me with the doves :) |
inside the main cave |
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me ;) |
gini lho ladies seat harusnya, sempet ada cowok yg dimarahin gara2 duduk di ladies seat |
Sebagai pemanasan solo travelling saya coba beberapa kali foto dengan tongsis atau monopod saya, tapi alhasil saya dilihatin sama wisatawan yang lain...hahhaa... Kaki berasa mau copot pas mendarat lagi di bawah gua, rasanya capek banget gitu semalem abis nyasar terus sekarang mesti naik turun beratus-ratus anak tangga. hehe.. Meskipun hari semakin siang dan perut keroncongan, saya tetap memburu waktu untuk ke Malaka rasanya penasaran banget pengen lihat peninggalan-peninggalan bersejarah yang selalu di sebut-sebut di buku-buku sejarah.
Selanjutnya perjalanan sendirian ke Malaka ;)
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
First Friday Devotion: a prayer and reflection
Recently, I am so confused about so many things. Working life
seems too complicated for me especially if these things come up with additional
'seasonings' like family problems and accountable partners.
I have been prayed for my family since I was in school. Sometimes,
I prayed for something that obviously I want or I need, but now, I just
couldn't describe my feelings and thoughts, too many anxiety and worries that I
know, it shouldn't been a problem because I have Jesus. The light, the way, the
love, the redeemer of my life.
For 23 years of my life, I haven't finished my promised by myself
to God. I used to use my situation to limit myself in serving Him. I had
promised that I would offer my life to Him, particularly because I could be
more independent since I work as a teacher in Sentani. I know that my saving
and allowance would not be enough to fulfill my desire to have a happy and
fancy life like my friends in Jakarta. I made up my mind by devoting my time
and life to serve Him there fully, through neighborhood, church community and
absolutely school as my second home.
This prayer and devotion bringing me over to a composure and
contentment that all my worries should be gone, why? Because it is more than a
prayer, it is a promise of assurance and an answer from God.
These writings about about First Friday Devotion help me
much to understand why and how I should pray. I hope i could strengthen you
too, pals...
So that wherever you are, whatever your problems and worries, we
can devote ourselves to God in the way He had promised us. To God be the Glory!
History of First Friday Devotion
Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is of great antiquity in the
Church. It was St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, however, who made this devotion
widespread. In 1675, within the octave of the feast of Corpus Christi, our Lord
appeared to her and said: "Behold this heart which, not withstanding the
burning love for men with which it is consumed and exhausted, meets with no
other return from most Christians than sacrilege, contempt, indifference and
ingratitude, even in the sacrament of my love [the Eucharist]. But what pierces
my heart most deeply is that I am subjected to these insults by persons
especially consecrated to my service."
To those who show him love and who make reparation for sins,
however, our Lord made a great pledge: "I promise you in the
unfathomable mercy of my heart that my omnipotent love will procure the grace
of final penitence for all those who receive communion on nine successive first
Fridays of the month; they will not die in my disfavor, or without having
received the sacraments, since my divine heart will be their sure refuge in the
last moments of their life."4
The great promise of the Sacred Heart is most consoling: the grace
of final perseverance and the joy of having Jesus' heart as our sure refuge and
infinite ocean of mercy in our last hour.
To gain this grace, we must:
- Receive
holy Communion on nine consecutive first Fridays.
- Have
the intention of honoring the Sacred Heart of Jesus and of reaching final
- Offer
each holy Communion as an act of atonement for offenses against the
Blessed Sacrament.
The Promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to St. Margaret Mary
1. "I will give them all the graces necessary in their state
of life."
2. "I will establish peace in their homes."
3. "I will comfort them in their afflictions."
4. "I will be their secure refuge during life, and above all
in death."
5. "I will bestow a large blessing upon all their
6. "Sinners shall find in My Heart the source and the
infinite ocean of mercy."
7. "Tepid souls shall grow fervent."
8. "Fervent souls shall quickly mount to high
9. "I will bless every place where a picture of My Heart
shall be set up and honored."
10. "I will give to priests the gift of touching the most
hardened hearts."
11. "Those who shall promote this devotion shall have their
names written in My Heart, never to be blotted out."
12. "I promise thee in the excessive mercy of My Heart that
My all-powerful love will grant to all those who communicate on the First
Friday in nine consecutive months, the grace of final penitence; they shall not
die in My disgrace nor without receiving the Sacraments; My Divine heart shall
be their safe refuge in this last moment."
Litany of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
V/ Lord, have mercy.
R/ Lord, have mercy.
V/ Christ, have mercy.
R/ Christ, have mercy.
V/ Lord, have mercy.
R/ Lord, have mercy.
V/ Jesus, hear us.
R/ Jesus, graciously hear us.
R/ for ff: have mercy on us
God, the Father of Heaven,
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world,
God, the Holy Spirit,
Holy Trinity, One God,
Heart of Jesus, Son of the Eternal Father.
Heart of Jesus, formed by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the
Virgin Mother,
Heart of Jesus, substantially united to the Word of God,
Heart of Jesus, of Infinite Majesty,
Heart of Jesus, Sacred Temple of God,
Heart of Jesus, Tabernacle of the Most High,
Heart of Jesus, House of God and Gate of Heaven,
Heart of Jesus, burning furnace of charity,
Heart of Jesus, abode of justice and love,
Heart of Jesus, full of goodness and love,
Heart of Jesus, abyss of all virtues,
Heart of Jesus, most worthy of all praise,
Heart of Jesus, king and center of all hearts,
Heart of Jesus, in whom are all the treasures of wisdom and
Heart of Jesus, in whom the Father was well pleased,
Heart of Jesus, of whose fullness we have all received,
Heart of Jesus, desire of the everlasting hills,
Heart of Jesus, patient and most merciful,
Heart of Jesus, enriching all who invoke you,
Heart of Jesus, fountain of life and holiness,
Heart of Jesus, propitiation for our sins,
Heart of Jesus, loaded down with opprobrium,
Heart of Jesus, bruised for our offenses,
Heart of Jesus, obedient to death,
Heart of Jesus, pierced with a lance,
Heart of Jesus, source of all consolation,
Heart of Jesus, our life and resurrection,
Heart of Jesus, our peace and reconciliation,
Heart of Jesus, victim for our sins,
Heart of Jesus, salvation of those who trust in you,
Heart of Jesus, hope of those who die in you,
Heart of Jesus, delight of all the Saints,
Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world.
R/ spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world,
R/ graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world,
R/ have mercy on us.
Jesus, meek and humble of heart.
R/ Make our hearts like to yours.
Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, look upon the Heart of
your most beloved Son and upon the praises and satisfaction which he offers you
in the name of sinners; and to those who implore your mercy, in your great
goodness, grant forgiveness in the name of the same Jesus Christ, your Son, who
lives and reigns with you forever and ever.
R/ Amen.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Bolang episode Kuala Lumpur 16-19 Juni 2014 (2) LOST IN KL!
Saya tiba di KLIA (Kuala Lumpur International Airport) 2 sekitar pk 00.00 waktu KL. (akhirnya saya terbebas dari 2 orang bawel di sebelah saya)
Saya celingukan, secara baru pertama kali gitu tiba di airport sekece, semodern dan serapi ini plus di luar negeri pula! ahahahaa... Ini spoiler foto2nya, captionnya cukup jelas.
TIPS untuk berpergian ke luar negeri pertama kali: jangan malu tanya2, ikutin petunjuk arah dan ikutin orang2! hahaa...
I used wifi connection in airport to get contacted with Kak Dwi, I got some directions from him, and I just tried as confident as I could haahahaa...
I slept as soon as I did not have anything to observe. I arrived in Mydin near to my hostel around 2 a.m. Kak Dwi said that he would take me there, but there were so many taxi drivers that offer their service, I couldn't think straightly, I just tried to look the landmarks or famous places by the map that Kak Dwi gave me via whatsapp before I left Jakarta. Then I saw a seven elev*n store across the Mydin, confidently I walked that way and asked the store employee about the famous hotels and the hostel that I wanted to go.
I just walked but I didn't find the hostel, I saw so many India people and stores also hostels and 24-hour restaurants. I assumed I had been walked for 3 kilometers and saw nothing about the hostel. That was oppositely from Kak Dwi said that the distance is only about 100 meters or 10 minutes walking. I started to think that I was LOST! Oh my God, it's better to give woman a direction than a MAP! I saw a big FUR*MA hotel in the way that i walked, based on the map there will be my hostel after that famous hotel, but unfortunately I was totally lost in the middle of night :( i just wanted to cry!
I asked the receptionist in a hotel the way to my hostel and he said my hostel has been far away from my current place, I had to walk for about 4 kilometers back to the Mydin and walked to different direction from there. That's a big mistake! He suggested me to take taxi because it would be dangerous if I walked.
I asked the taxi driver in front of the hotel and he offer me RM 20 for escorting me to my hostel, since my money was really limited and my feet had been so tired I just accept his service.
He asked me where I came from and guessing that I thought he is a Chinese. I tried to keep calm. Finally I was arrived in the hostel about 3 am and just grumbling to Kak Dwi because of this 'tragedy' hahaa...
Disappointingly, the hostel room was not comfortable and clean as in the pictures that I'd googled. But, it's okay I would be okay for these 2 nights!
Saya celingukan, secara baru pertama kali gitu tiba di airport sekece, semodern dan serapi ini plus di luar negeri pula! ahahahaa... Ini spoiler foto2nya, captionnya cukup jelas.
TIPS untuk berpergian ke luar negeri pertama kali: jangan malu tanya2, ikutin petunjuk arah dan ikutin orang2! hahaa...
city lights! wonderful! |
semua pesawat parkir cantik, ga pake turun naik tangga segala, cukup nyebrang pake tangga belalai itu loh... |
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hello KL! this is me selfie-ing sambil ngantuk-ngantuk |
so clean and in order :) |
following the crowd ajah lah..hahhaaa... |
queuing for immigration, prepare your passport and boarding pass! |
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first stamp on my passport! Yeah! |
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bolaaang si bolaaang.. si bocah ilang (loh?!) |
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got so thirsty! MYR 1,8 my first transaction with foreign currency! |
find the way for hostel by bus |
this is the star shuttle, stopping in KLIA and KLIA 2 |
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bus ticket RM 10, so easy! |
I slept as soon as I did not have anything to observe. I arrived in Mydin near to my hostel around 2 a.m. Kak Dwi said that he would take me there, but there were so many taxi drivers that offer their service, I couldn't think straightly, I just tried to look the landmarks or famous places by the map that Kak Dwi gave me via whatsapp before I left Jakarta. Then I saw a seven elev*n store across the Mydin, confidently I walked that way and asked the store employee about the famous hotels and the hostel that I wanted to go.
I just walked but I didn't find the hostel, I saw so many India people and stores also hostels and 24-hour restaurants. I assumed I had been walked for 3 kilometers and saw nothing about the hostel. That was oppositely from Kak Dwi said that the distance is only about 100 meters or 10 minutes walking. I started to think that I was LOST! Oh my God, it's better to give woman a direction than a MAP! I saw a big FUR*MA hotel in the way that i walked, based on the map there will be my hostel after that famous hotel, but unfortunately I was totally lost in the middle of night :( i just wanted to cry!
I asked the receptionist in a hotel the way to my hostel and he said my hostel has been far away from my current place, I had to walk for about 4 kilometers back to the Mydin and walked to different direction from there. That's a big mistake! He suggested me to take taxi because it would be dangerous if I walked.
I asked the taxi driver in front of the hotel and he offer me RM 20 for escorting me to my hostel, since my money was really limited and my feet had been so tired I just accept his service.
He asked me where I came from and guessing that I thought he is a Chinese. I tried to keep calm. Finally I was arrived in the hostel about 3 am and just grumbling to Kak Dwi because of this 'tragedy' hahaa...
Disappointingly, the hostel room was not comfortable and clean as in the pictures that I'd googled. But, it's okay I would be okay for these 2 nights!
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kesulitan? iya dimaafkan |
Kuala Lumpur,
Young People should be Connected!
Young people should not stop in one place, they should explore what they have, who they can be, where they can go, and how they can be on the top.
I thought you don't need to finish up your savings only to travel in Indonesia. I have read some blogs that said Indonesia is classified as a third or fourth class for backpacking countries, which means a daily cost for being in Indonesia will not as expensive as in Europe, US, SG, HK, and so on. However all my thoughts about Indonesia is 'cheap' destroyed since I heard a testimony from Pastor Nico Syukur, OFM. Students in Global explorer who came to Indonesia from Netherlands should collect their own money by part-time work, find sponsors and even asking money from their families! what a hard work!
I haven't been so long in Sentani, only one year, but I think that I might be not here if I could choose my own place to teach. I would choose a place that close to hometown and beautiful... That's why I haven't been so long to join Youth Catholic in local church. Actually, this is my first time to join a youth because I often to limit myself. Therefore I am so excited to join the events and routines that Orang Muda Katolik (OMK) Sang Penebus Sentani holds.
For welcoming friends from Global Explorer, we had been rehearse for several times during last two weeks. I am not a good singer, but one thing that I am confident with, singing in choir especially for serving God would not require the best voice, but a sincere heart that will make the me sing with my best. There were some songs that we sang last Sunday (July 20, 2014): Hatiku, Mipa Yesus, Blessed the Lord, one more song I forgot the title :(
These are the photos of the mass that we had. It was so deep o:)
Special thanks to Ko Willy who took the photographs, i think pictures say more than words, isn't it?
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Pastor Nico lead the mass |
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Soloist singer for Psalms |
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OMK's guitarist leaded "Mipa Yesus" song, Papua language song |
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Consecration |
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Holy Communion (some OMK members) |
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Holy Communion (friends from Netherlands) |
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After mass, may God bless our friendship :) |
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another picture of us! |
Actually there was so unorganized when we arrived there. I think there should be games or activities that can make us feel more togetherness. I just enjoyed the beach by sitting in the sand and have a deep sharing with one of them. Lisa, the birthday girl is a smart and tough girl, she is 21 years old, now studying Anthropology of cultural development in university and have much passion in social work. She has her part-time work in a elder social house or panti jompo. She has been traveled to some other countries to learn the culture and helping people. I was so impressed, how come a younger girl could travel countries with her own hard work without expecting any complimentary? If I been her, i would choose to travel to some other beautiful and popular countries! Hahaaa.. (I think that's why God sends me here ;p)
It was an unforgettable experience for me and blessed indeed!
If you want to know more about them i found the website :
Happy exploring young people!
“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine
Monday, July 21, 2014
Bolang episode Kuala Lumpur 16-19 Juni 2014 (part 1)
Dream comes true is the best phrases for my adventure this
vacation. I extremely wanted to go aboard to see ‘another’ world. I want to see
new places, foreign people, listen and talk in foreign language and accent, try
local foods, take pictures, and shop!
Purposely I made passport in Cirebon immigration office last
year before I went to placement, because I had been that I would made my first
trip aboard with my own saving. (*gayaaaaa*)
Some preparations had been made from January, I read blogs
about backpacking to Singapore and searched for cheap tickets, hostels and promotions (limited budget mas,
mbak… hehee). Nah, kenapa ceritanya ngebolang ke KL tapi carinya tiket ke
Singapura? Rencananya saya emang mau 5 hari 4 malam di singapura terus kalo ada
waktu trip ke Malaysia sebentaran doang. Ngiler pas baca blog para backpacker
yang seru, hemat dan menantang ;p
As a reward for myself to finish my half-first year as a
teacher, I decided to book flights Jakarta-Singapore and Singapore-Jakarta for
this June. Actually, I planned to have joint trip with my college-friend,
Meyliana. But she said that she would be with her mom, so she couldn’t promise
any trip together as you all know, having trip with mommy won’t be easy.
I was asked by my college senior to join a trip that he
arranged. After bargaining with him, I got final price for 3 days, 2 nights in
Malaysia included flight ticket from Jakarta to Kuala Lumpur, hostel for 2
nights, local transportation, and sleeper train from KL to Singapore. Got two
stamps in my passport? Why not! As I read in blogs of backpacker and
flashpacker, I allocated some of my savings to buy SGD because it IDR has been
weaken in 2014. And thanks God, my best brother wanted to help me buy it when I
was in Sentani. Yeah, I am a teacher in Sentani, Kabupaten
Jayapura. This is not an inland area, my rent house is near to Jayapura the
mother city of Papua Province but ironically, there is no money changer here :(
I had flight on Monday, but it was reschedule from 11.40 to 21.40. I was so disappointed with Li*n air because it made me missed my day trip :( i should had trip to Bukit Nanas, KL Tower, chinatown and some other places that i had researched before.
Saya berangkat dari Mangga Dua Square tempat toko koko saya (kakak laki-laki) karena setelah dihitung-hitung akan lebih hemat jika saya naik damri dari situ dibandingkan dengan naik taksi dari rumah cici (kakak perempuan) saya. Ternyata bisnya cukup nyaman, ber-AC, wifi dan ada colokan di dalamnya. Sesekali saya melirik-lirik penumpang lainnya atau sang kondektur kapan bayar dan cara bilang mau ke terminal berapa, maklum baru pertama naik bis itu hehee.. bisnya ada setiap 1 jam sekali mulai jam 7 hingga jam 7 malam kalau tidak salah. Bisnya saat itu agak terlambat dari jadwal, saya menunggu bis jam 5, bis datang jam setengah 6 dan berangkat jam 6. Ternyata jalanan Jakarta cukup padat tapi tidak macet sehingga saya tiba terlalu dini dari jam check-in. Lalu lalang di bandara jadi kegiatan yang pasti saya lakukan karena saya bahkan tidak tahu dimana counter check-innya! Biasalah, segala tempat di Indonesia minim petunjuk :(
ketika berlalulalang ria saya berpapasan dengan beberapa wajah familiar yang biasa saya tonton di infotainment, Irwansyah dan Saskia Sungkar. Juga banyak kelompok2 yang berseragam sama dalam kelompok, saya terka antara jemaah haji atau TKI..saya juga mengamati bagaimana travel agent amatir bekerja dengan group check-innya. Saya yang hanya bermodalkan sebuah tas backpack merasa amat leluasa bepergian tanpa perlu menyeret2 koper dan lainnya.
setelah sekitar 1 jam bolak-balik sambil kepikiran mau cobain check-in di counter tiger air karena saya masih punya tiket jakarta singapura utk jam 19.40. tapi setelah ngintip-ngintip orang yang antre check-in saya tau bahwa airport tax utk internasional itu dibayar di counternya langsung, batal deh rencana koleksi boarding pass hahahaaa...
beberapa saat kemudian counter check-in lion dibuka, tapi loh..loh.. kenapa antreannya sudah panjang sekali? ternyata orang-orang sudah antre setengah jam sebelum counter dibuka saat saya sibuk mengamat-amati berbagai hal di bandara internasional. Biasalah.. orang Indonesia suka bikin barisan-barisan virtual, pura-pura ga tau baris di sebelah antrean lalu nyerobot, tapi saya ga begitu ya..hehehe.. sebagai warga negara yang baik saya mengantre dengan tertib. Spontan saya bertanya dengan nada yang sudah saya usahakan untuk terkendali karena emosi itenary saya jadi kacau semena-mena maskapai reschedule flight saya. tapi saya tidak mendapatkan jawaban yang berarti. Saya hanya tersenyum kecut sambil mengambil boarding pass saya. Lalu saya ikuti petunjuk dan orang-orang yang masuk ke area imigrasi, saya melihat sebuah counter yang menarik, kalau tidak salah namanya autogate immigration. Jadi di area tersebut ada petugas yang tugasnya mem-verifikasi paspor dengan sidik jari kita, tujuannya supaya ketika imigrasi keluar kita tinggal scan paspor dan sidik jari saja dan gate pun akan terbuka otomatis, rasanya canggih banget! hahaa.. saya pun ditanya-tanya sama petugas imigrasinya saat mengurus sistem autogate tersebut dalam rangka apa ke KL, kerja dimana dan sebagainya, mungkin tampang saya terlalu kanak-kanak jika dibilang saya seorang guru dan mengajar di Papua.. di bagian paling belakang paspor saya lalu diberi cap AUTOGATE.
Saya celingukan lihat sederetan duty-free shops mata saya jelalatan dan iseng keluar masuk counternya, secara boardingnya masih 1,5 jam lagi gitu.. saya kurskan setiap harga, ternyata lumayan juga ya bedanya dengan harga di mall, ada yang lebih murah tapi banyak juga yang bikin shock...hehehe...
Setelah puas window shopping dan melihat rombongan turis korea yang berlaluan saya kembali ke track boarding saya yang sesungguhnya sambil membaca majalah-majalah traveling yang ada di seperjalanan saya ke waiting room. Saya kebingungan sambil tertawa geli setiap ada orang Malaysia yang berbicara mirip-mirip bahasa Indonesia tapi saya tidak begitu mengerti maknanya. Saya duduk sambil mencharge hp saya di sebuah corner yang disponsori oleh sebuah perusahaan bernuansa merah. Saya mencoba-coba tongsis yang baru saya beli, kira-kira kece ga ya saya foto pake tongsis hehehee...
tet-teret-tetet, akhirnya flight number saya dipanggil juga, saya langsung bergegas mengikuti arah orang-orang yang akan sepesawat dengan saya, saya duduk dengan dua perempuan yang kelihatannya masih kuliah dan habis fieldtrip ke yogyakarta, mereka bawa beberapa penganan khas Yogyakarta macam bakpia dan lain-lain, salah satu diantaranya bukan warganegara Malaysia, she looks like african or indian. They are too loud and talkative, they said Indonesia is more expensive than their country, bla..blaaa...I couldn't sleep for almost 2 hours flight. *sigh*
I saw different landscape during flight, yeah i have been several times flied at night to Jayapura, but the views were so different, from Jakarta to KL i just saw big cities with city lights. What a view! I really wanted to take pictures but i just couldn't because it was so hard to take picture with movement by digital camera. I just pray that God bless my trip since it was different than I planned and I read there's not suggested to have solo trip at night, it could be dangerous. Thanks God, i am safe sound! :)
Saya berangkat dari Mangga Dua Square tempat toko koko saya (kakak laki-laki) karena setelah dihitung-hitung akan lebih hemat jika saya naik damri dari situ dibandingkan dengan naik taksi dari rumah cici (kakak perempuan) saya. Ternyata bisnya cukup nyaman, ber-AC, wifi dan ada colokan di dalamnya. Sesekali saya melirik-lirik penumpang lainnya atau sang kondektur kapan bayar dan cara bilang mau ke terminal berapa, maklum baru pertama naik bis itu hehee.. bisnya ada setiap 1 jam sekali mulai jam 7 hingga jam 7 malam kalau tidak salah. Bisnya saat itu agak terlambat dari jadwal, saya menunggu bis jam 5, bis datang jam setengah 6 dan berangkat jam 6. Ternyata jalanan Jakarta cukup padat tapi tidak macet sehingga saya tiba terlalu dini dari jam check-in. Lalu lalang di bandara jadi kegiatan yang pasti saya lakukan karena saya bahkan tidak tahu dimana counter check-innya! Biasalah, segala tempat di Indonesia minim petunjuk :(
ketika berlalulalang ria saya berpapasan dengan beberapa wajah familiar yang biasa saya tonton di infotainment, Irwansyah dan Saskia Sungkar. Juga banyak kelompok2 yang berseragam sama dalam kelompok, saya terka antara jemaah haji atau TKI..saya juga mengamati bagaimana travel agent amatir bekerja dengan group check-innya. Saya yang hanya bermodalkan sebuah tas backpack merasa amat leluasa bepergian tanpa perlu menyeret2 koper dan lainnya.
setelah sekitar 1 jam bolak-balik sambil kepikiran mau cobain check-in di counter tiger air karena saya masih punya tiket jakarta singapura utk jam 19.40. tapi setelah ngintip-ngintip orang yang antre check-in saya tau bahwa airport tax utk internasional itu dibayar di counternya langsung, batal deh rencana koleksi boarding pass hahahaaa...
beberapa saat kemudian counter check-in lion dibuka, tapi loh..loh.. kenapa antreannya sudah panjang sekali? ternyata orang-orang sudah antre setengah jam sebelum counter dibuka saat saya sibuk mengamat-amati berbagai hal di bandara internasional. Biasalah.. orang Indonesia suka bikin barisan-barisan virtual, pura-pura ga tau baris di sebelah antrean lalu nyerobot, tapi saya ga begitu ya..hehehe.. sebagai warga negara yang baik saya mengantre dengan tertib. Spontan saya bertanya dengan nada yang sudah saya usahakan untuk terkendali karena emosi itenary saya jadi kacau semena-mena maskapai reschedule flight saya. tapi saya tidak mendapatkan jawaban yang berarti. Saya hanya tersenyum kecut sambil mengambil boarding pass saya. Lalu saya ikuti petunjuk dan orang-orang yang masuk ke area imigrasi, saya melihat sebuah counter yang menarik, kalau tidak salah namanya autogate immigration. Jadi di area tersebut ada petugas yang tugasnya mem-verifikasi paspor dengan sidik jari kita, tujuannya supaya ketika imigrasi keluar kita tinggal scan paspor dan sidik jari saja dan gate pun akan terbuka otomatis, rasanya canggih banget! hahaa.. saya pun ditanya-tanya sama petugas imigrasinya saat mengurus sistem autogate tersebut dalam rangka apa ke KL, kerja dimana dan sebagainya, mungkin tampang saya terlalu kanak-kanak jika dibilang saya seorang guru dan mengajar di Papua.. di bagian paling belakang paspor saya lalu diberi cap AUTOGATE.
Saya celingukan lihat sederetan duty-free shops mata saya jelalatan dan iseng keluar masuk counternya, secara boardingnya masih 1,5 jam lagi gitu.. saya kurskan setiap harga, ternyata lumayan juga ya bedanya dengan harga di mall, ada yang lebih murah tapi banyak juga yang bikin shock...hehehe...
Setelah puas window shopping dan melihat rombongan turis korea yang berlaluan saya kembali ke track boarding saya yang sesungguhnya sambil membaca majalah-majalah traveling yang ada di seperjalanan saya ke waiting room. Saya kebingungan sambil tertawa geli setiap ada orang Malaysia yang berbicara mirip-mirip bahasa Indonesia tapi saya tidak begitu mengerti maknanya. Saya duduk sambil mencharge hp saya di sebuah corner yang disponsori oleh sebuah perusahaan bernuansa merah. Saya mencoba-coba tongsis yang baru saya beli, kira-kira kece ga ya saya foto pake tongsis hehehee...
tet-teret-tetet, akhirnya flight number saya dipanggil juga, saya langsung bergegas mengikuti arah orang-orang yang akan sepesawat dengan saya, saya duduk dengan dua perempuan yang kelihatannya masih kuliah dan habis fieldtrip ke yogyakarta, mereka bawa beberapa penganan khas Yogyakarta macam bakpia dan lain-lain, salah satu diantaranya bukan warganegara Malaysia, she looks like african or indian. They are too loud and talkative, they said Indonesia is more expensive than their country, bla..blaaa...I couldn't sleep for almost 2 hours flight. *sigh*
I saw different landscape during flight, yeah i have been several times flied at night to Jayapura, but the views were so different, from Jakarta to KL i just saw big cities with city lights. What a view! I really wanted to take pictures but i just couldn't because it was so hard to take picture with movement by digital camera. I just pray that God bless my trip since it was different than I planned and I read there's not suggested to have solo trip at night, it could be dangerous. Thanks God, i am safe sound! :)
this my budgeting table for my first trip aboard, murah ga ya? ga juga sih, tapi so far saya cukup senang dengan segala pengeluaran, kecerobohan, dan penghematan yang saya lakukan :)
Tiger airways ticket CGK-SIN, SIN-CGK
Rp 752,000.00
Kuatur trip
Rp 780,000.00
CGK-KUL by Lion Air
Hostel 2 nights + breakfast
in-city transportation
Sleeper train KUL-SIN
MYR 95
Rp 348,650.00
MYR 81
Rp 300,000.00
MYR 20
Rp 76,120.00
MYR 25,7
Rp 94,000.00
SGD 136
Rp 1,056,820.00
Airport tax SHIA
Rp 150,000.00
Damri M2Square-SHIA
Rp 30,000.00
Damri SHIA-Gambir
Rp 30,000.00
Rp 3,617,590.00
Sisa 26,3 MYR
Rp 92,050.00
Sisa 37,70 SGD
Rp 358,150.00
Saldo + deposit EZ Link 12 SGD
Rp 114,000.00
Rp 564,200.00
TOTAL EXPENSES 4D/4N 2 Countries 3 Cities
Rp 3,053,390.00
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