Sunday, September 7, 2014

Trust God when He says "no"

As I have been praying for couple months about relationship, I have found some signs referred to His answers. I am so glad that so many chances I could know him more, I could interact with him, share, and laugh. But I don't think those are enough to conclude a 'yes' from God.

I pray for a man who loves God,
yeah, I know he is active in youth, church ministry and close to pastor... but he hasn't asked me to pray for us yet, he didn't ask me to go to church together... hmm.. can I say it is a 'not him'?

I pray for a man who loves family,
I love the way he treats her mother and grandma, he gently saying words to his mom and takes care of his grandma everyday. That's a big point for him. But he didn't ask about my family yet, even to get know my family here, he hasn't yet visit my house or my 'parents' house either... hmm... can I say that's not enough?

I pray for a man who loves me,
Almost everyday he texts me, asks my daily routines and meals... however, no action talk only is a big no, right? How can I say he loves me without praying for me, seeing me, taking care of me or warning me when I do wrong?

I pray for smart man,
Handsome and six packs are not eternal, hahaha.. we all know it well, that's why I need a smart man who will know how to cherish me, support me, teach me and share so many things with me!
Him? yeah he is quietly smart, but he doesn't think he is smart enough to me. hmm...

I pray for a leader,
as you all know, I am a dominant girl, I love to talk than to listen, I love to do all in my way rather than others, I love to get admitted, that's why I need a man who able to LEAD me. A man who able to be adored and complimented so I won't be more dominant and could listen to him.

conclusion? I couldn't conclude anything yet, I will keep praying so do you all my pals wherever you are, would you mind to pray for me too? I would like to pray for you too :)

have a great prayer time!